Insolvency Portal

Why Insolnet?

  • Additional Fee Income from your client base acting as sub-contractor to Insolvency Direct Ltd IP
  • Develop insolvency skills and knowledge
  • Deliver improved client care
  • No physical meetings necessary

Insolnet is an online portal that allows registered users to log in to the Insolvency Direct Ltd case management system and create a new account for your Limited Company client who is in financial difficulty.

This allows General Practice Accountants to easily assist Insolvency Direct Ltd with regard to solvent (MVL) and insolvent (CVL) Liquidations in relation to existing or new clients. In addition, the system can be used to data capture information required for a CVA (Company Voluntary Arrangement).

It has been designed to take advantage of the new Insolvency Rules allowing companies to be liquidated online with no physical meeting necessary.

Insolvency Direct Ltd is offering a CVA service for established companies that have been hit by the Corona Virus market shutdown. We can assist the Directors put forward a proposal to effectively place their company into a state of dormancy pending the markets re-starting. This would include assisting with employee redundancy claims via the redundancy Payments Service.

Insolnet ensures that all cases are administered correctly in accordance with legal requirements and professional standards.

Insolnet is straightforward to use and offers the flexibility of a cloud based system that works on any browser or device, full training and support is provided by Insolvency Direct Ltd.

Insolvency fees are earned by both the Accountant and Insolvency Direct Ltd, to be agreed and authorised on a case by case basis, in accordance with insolvency fee regulations.

By dealing with cases on a secure web platform, the Accountant and IP can work efficiently and effectively together to deliver an effective service to clients and creditors.

Insolvency Direct Ltd allocate a dedicated, experienced Insolvency Case Manager to work with each Accountant on an ongoing basis.

All cases are bonded and insured by Insolvency Direct Ltd in accordance with Insolvency regulations, at no cost or risk to the Accountant, who is acting as an Agent of Insolvency Direct Ltd and thereby covered under the Insolvency Direct Ltd insurances and bonds. All cases are bonded separately as a legal requirement.

Are you Interested?

If you are interested in discussing how it works, please call Insolvency Direct Ltd on 01242 576555, or email for a call back to